DMV Music Industry Needs

DMV Area Musicians and Industry Professionals – Your feedback can shape your future!

In conjunction with The Musicianship, we want to learn first-hand from our area’s musicians and industry professionals what they feel are their needs and challenges, as well as what kinds of infrastructure and services they would like to see put in place to better support our music community and grow the music scene as a whole. This input will help shape the work the Alliance and other community organizations plan to do in the future.

Not only will these surveys give you a voice, but we will also share these results with the thousands of music industry professionals, nonprofits, and others in our area. Based on your responses, we can then work toward developing resources and tools that will benefit you the most.


Who should fill out this survey?

Any person involved in the music industry in any capacity, whether as a musician or industry professional, and living in the greater Washington, DC/ Suburban Maryland/ Northern Virginia area. Industry professionals include all those who provide services that benefit artists, including those working behind the scenes. If you contribute to any type of music-related work, with or without compensation, including part-time work, rarely paid or volunteer work, and work that is more administrative than creative, we want to hear from you.

Fans should not participate, even though your continued support and interest are the most valued benefit that a music scene can hope for. We thank you on behalf of all the tireless workers in music. If you know of any friends working in music, please encourage them to take the survey!

What if I am both a musician and industry professional? can I fill out this survey twice?

You are not able to submit more than one entry. However, if you are both a musician and an industry professional, simply select “Both” on the first question and you will be given both sets of questions.

What kind of questions are asked?

The needs assessment asks questions about your goals and about the challenges you face in your music career. There are questions to identify things such as genre, role, and location, but only to be able to compare whether different groups have different needs. There are no questions about your finances.

Can I save my answers and finish later?

You do not have to create an account to fill out the survey.

However, if you would like to save a draft in order to edit your responses at another time, you will need to create a user account.  If you do create an account, no one beyond our core team will have access to your information.

Will feedback remain anonymous?

Absolutely. We want to encourage honest answers. Everything you contribute will be strictly confidential. Individual responses highlighted in the published results will be attributed to “Respondent” and will be anonymous. Raw data that is released will be bundled to prevent examining any one individual’s full set of responses. We do not collect any personal identifiers or IP addresses.

If you create an account to save your progress, no one beyond the core survey team will have access to your information.

How long will it take to fill out survey?

The average time to finish this survey is 10-20 minutes. It could take additional time if you choose to provide additional comments. Most questions are optional; however, the more you share, the more information we can provide to our partner organizations that offer the services and resources that will benefit you the most.

When will the results be published?

There is currently no closing date for responses. As this is not a census, participants can fill out the survey at any time and results will be updated and published every quarter as new information comes in.

Who should I contact if I have questions or problems?

Please direct your email to The Executive Director will be notified and will respond to you, usually within 24 hours.

Begin the Survey Here

While you can fill this survey out on mobile devices, it will be easier to answer the matrix type questions on your computer.

For information on saving a draft of your answers, please see the FAQs.

Are you a musician or a music industry professional?
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