Join Our Team as an Ambassador Coordinator
Do you love our music scene? Do you have a little time each week to share? Become part of a team where all backgrounds, roles, genres, and experience levels come together as equals and serve a vital role in shaping the future of our regional music community.
Our Ambassador Coordinator has the vital role of making sure our Genre Reps and other Ambassadors have what they need to successfully reach out to our community.
Specifically, Ambassador Coordinators help with:
- recruitment of genre reps, campus reps, area liaisons, and Embassy reps,
- onboarding, and
- scheduling and sending reminders.
Learn more and send us an inquiry here:
We look forward to you joining us!
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Excellent read! The points made here are compelling. Id love to dive deeper into this topic. Click on my nickname to join the conv
What a great read! The humor was a nice touch. For further details, click here: READ MORE. Let’s chat about it!